
#TomeTopple TBR

Sam from Thoughts On Tomes ( is hosting a readathon from June 5th to June 19th called TomeTopple, and I am so excited. The aim of this readathon is to get through as many pages as possible while focusing on reading larger tomes (books over 500 pages). She has five ‘challenges’ that go along with the readathon, but, of course, you don’t have to complete all of them. The challenges are as follow:

1. Read more than one tome (500+ pages)

2. Take a graphic novel break (doesn’t need to be over 500 pages!)

3. Read a tome that is part of a series

4. Read over 500 pages in one week

5. Read an adult novel

My TBR is as follows:


I know that the graphic novel doesn’t have to be over 500 pages, but I’ve been meaning to read From Hell for over a year now, but it’s always intimidated me, so I thought it was the perfect fit. A Storm of Swords is killing two challenges with one book since it is part of a series and it is an adult novel. I’m hopeful that I will be able to get through all of these over the course of the 2 weeks of the readathon since Impulse is a book of poetry, Illuminae is written in a non-typical format, From Hell is a graphic novel, and I have the audiobook of A Storm of Swords to help me get through it a little more quickly than if I was reading it on my own.

If you are planning on participating in #TomeTopple, leave me a comment and let me know what you are planning on reading!

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