
Reading Wrap-Up: Graphic Novels

I tend to not read graphic novels for a while and then binge read a decent amount of them at one time. For this particular batch of graphic novels, I was borrowing three of them from my sister, so I wanted to give them back to her while I was visiting and the other I read in preparation for the Captain America: Civil War movie, even though I knew that the movie and comic were two separate entities.

Civil War tradeback by Mark Millar – 3.5 stars

I have to say, I was not really that impressed with this comic event. I think part of it was that I don’t have all of the background of what led up to the event and since I only read this trade issue and not the separate tie-ins, I don’t know everything that was going on with all of the superheroes during the entire event. I honestly don’t understand Steve’s reasoning for refusing to sign, but at the same time, I also don’t particularly agree with Tony’s methods. I’m really torn on the entire thing. I felt like both of them were out of character near the end, which lessened my enjoyment. However, I read it fairly quickly and the art is pretty good, which is a huge factor in deciding whether or not I truly enjoy a graphic novel.

Civil War

Operation: S.I.N. – Agent Carter by Kathryn Immonen – 3 stars

I’m kicking myself for not knowing that it was the comic book version of Peggy and not the MCU version (I’m going to blame the cover on that one). So I was really confused when Peggy was blonde and American and therefore not brunette and British (I personally love Hayley Atwell’s portrayal of Peggy and she will forever by my Peggy). I didn’t necessarily mind that it was the comic version, I just wish I had known going in to expect a different Peggy than I was used to. The story arc started off promising in the first issue, but it went downhill from there for me. I was really confused at times about what was going on and did not quite understand what the actual conflict was. Also, the art was not my favorite.

Operation SIN Agent Carter

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith – 2.5 stars

The art seemed like there were parts of it that was not completed, which really bothered me. With that in mind, it was hard to keep up with who was saying what, along with the fact that a lot of the characters sounded the same. I think if I had read the actual novel first and was more familiar with that story and world rather than just the story of Pride and Prejudice, I would have enjoyed it a little bit more than I did. The art would have still hindered my rating, though.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Graphic Novel

Batman: Mad Love and Other Stories by Paul Dini – 4 stars

Harley Quinn is hands-down one of my favorite comic book characters of ever. I loved the origin story presented here as well as the fact that she’s wearing my favorite Harley outfit (I really don’t like the New 52 Harley outfit). Yes, Harley and Joker’s relationship is abusive and toxic, but the authors are not necessarily trying to portray it as the end-goal relationship that we should all aspire to. Yes, Harley gets sucked in time and time again to the relationship, but I feel like the authors were trying to convey that sometimes that’s what happens in those relationships and that if you do know someone that is in a similar relationship, try to help them get out. I could be reading way too much into it, but that’s how I interpreted this portrayal of Harley and Joker’s relationship. The other stories in the volume were fun, but I did not care for them nearly as much as I did for Harley’s. Overall, it was an extremely enjoyable read and I really liked the artwork.

Batman Mad Love and Other Stories

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