
Exciting News!

Hi Everyone!

It feels like forever since I last posted on here (and let’s be real, it has been 2 months), but so much has happened!

I officially graduated from nursing school!


I also got my very first nursing job! I am very blessed to have been hired as a part of a residency program on a surgical unit here in San Antonio.

But perhaps the most exciting thing that has happened is that I passed my NCLEX and am now officially a registered nurse in the state of Texas!


This exam is the reason why I have been so M.I.A. lately. The amount of studying required for it is intense and while I did read a lot (because I had to do something to give myself a break), I decided to forgo writing reviews in the moment so that I could use my time a little more wisely. But now that I have about 18 days of literally no responsibilities between now and when I start working, I can finally catch up on my reviews. And read without feeling guilty. And binge-watch t.v. shows that I have been neglecting for the past two years.

I cannot wait to get back to posting here and starting this new chapter in my life!

I hope everyone is doing well and that good things are happening!

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