#TomeTopple · ReadAThons

Tome Topple Readathon Days 3 and 4

So I only got a couple of pages read over the past two days.

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue: 28 pages

I got home from work on Sunday right as Game of Thrones was coming on and was shooketh afterward so I just sat there and was freaking out and trying to process what had happened. After I watched Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, I went to bed because I was exhausted from my shift. And yesterday was when I got my 28 pages read, but I was still exhausted from working 4 out of the 5 last days, so I mainly just watched YouTube videos and The Huntsman: Winter’s War.

But I’m hopeful that I’ll get some reading done today since I was able to catch up on sleep last night and only have to do laundry.

I hope everyone’s Tome Topple is going better than mine!

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