Goals · Nursing School · Update

It’s That Time of Year Again!

Well. It’s been…forever.

Everyone warned me about third semester of nursing school being The Worst™ but I didn’t believe them. Until I was actually in third semester. Let’s just say busy is an understatement. But I did manage to read a lot because let’s face it – reading was a way to escape from the world of adult and pediatric nursing. And that’s all I’m gonna say about those couple of months of my life.


This was after our last day of clinical at the VA Hospital – it was a great experience and I was truly privileged to get to serve the veterans that I did

I went up north for the holidays and spent a wonderful week with my family, including getting to see my mom’s face when she finally made it to the Rockefeller Center tree at night for the first time in her life.


Oh, and I also chopped off over a foot of my hair to donate. So that was a thing. Lol.


Anyway, I start my LAST (!) semester of nursing school this Monday, and while I’m hoping to be more on top of my sh*t, I can’t promise anything. I am *hoping* to be more consistent with blogging on here because I really did find myself missing it last semester. It was just too much to try to balance everything else.

Over the next couple of days, expect a lot of reading wrap-ups to be coming your way as I catch up with what isn’t on this blog.

As for my 2016 reading goals, let’s just say they did not go well.

-Read at least 1/2 of the books I already own: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (learned my lesson here not to make this a goal)

-Read at least 1/2 of the graphic novels I already own: read previous goal’s reaction

-Read all of the books I’ve received in OwlCrate: I was doing so well at the beginning of the year and then just kinda stopped reading them, despite being really freaking interested in all of them but like 1

-Do the 2016 TBR Jar challenge: CHECK! Oh my gosh, I actually completed one!

-Use the PopSugar Challenge when I’m in a reading slump: Mostly check

-Read at least 75 books: CHECK! I actually read 113 books

-Utilize the “What I Read” journal from OwlCrate: Again, I was doing so well during the first half of the year and then just kinda stopped

-Finish ASOIAF: Shame shame shame *rings bell*

-Write a review for each book I read: CHECK!


So yeah, those didn’t go over very well.

As for 2017, here are my goals:

-Finish ASOIAF (I’m actually a fourth of the way done with A Storm of Swords and am actively making this a priority)

-Read all of my OwlCrate books

-Read more diversely (I will be participating in #DiversityBingo2017 but I am also aiming to read more than 36 diverse books)

-Read all of my Kindle First books

-Read 1 classic a month


Here’s hoping these goals go better than last year’s. I don’t know about y’all, but 2016 was kind of a dumpster fire of a year (though there were good things that happened for sure) and I’m so ready for 2017, especially since I’m graduating in May and starting my career as a nurse! I’m aiming at going into pediatric oncology nursing, but I am also looking at starting off with pediatric med-surg (the regular floors) and working my way to oncology. Prayers and good thoughts are appreciated as I start applying for jobs.

I hope everyone had a great holiday and a very happy new year!


2016 Book-ish Goals

This year will host my second and third semesters in nursing school, but I have learned through my first that I need to set aside “me” time so that I don’t get bogged down by all of the assignments/studying/care plans that go into studying to be a nurse. The past couple of months, I have really gotten into watching BookTube videos, which has caused me to want to up my reading game. While I am most definitely not comfortable in front of a camera, I want to document (and possibly discuss) my reading this year more than just giving ratings on GoodReads. So without further ado, here are my 2016 book-ish goals:

-Read at least 1/2 of the books I already own (I had a massive problem in 2015 of buying books and not getting around to reading them)

-Read at least 1/2 of the graphic novels I already own (my buying problem was most prominent with graphic novels)

-Read the books I receive from OwlCrate within a month of receiving them

-Do the 2016 TBR Jar challenge (the challenges are from Katytastic’s 2015 TBR challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsxx9UYM5x0)

-Use the PopSugar Challenge when I’m in a reading slump (I’m going to draw from a jar when I don’t know what I want to read next)

-Read at least 75 books

-Utilize the “What I Read” journal from OwlCrate to keep better track of stars (since GoodReads doesn’t allow for half stars)

-Finish A Song of Ice and Fire

-Write a review for each book I read

These are pretty lofty goals given what I will be doing the majority of my time, but I am looking forward to challenging myself and I think I will be decently successful in completing them (though the first two may be a bit difficult given how many unread books I have).