Friday Spotlight · Reviews

Friday Spotlight: Lady Stuff: Secrets to Being a Woman

This was a fun little book full of super relatable comics about being a lady. I had seen some of them before on the Internet, but there were quite a few that were new to me. I definitely agreed with a lot of the comics and found myself saying “yaaaas” in my head more than once.

Some of the comics that I connected with where the ones that had to do with being on my period, messing up when it comes to having equal eyeliner, becoming one with my bed, freaking out at the first sign of fall, well, pretty much, the entire “Self-Care” section, to be honest. The other sections had comics that were funny, but the “Self-Care” just really resonated with me.

There were a few instances of inclusivity, such as “Not all ladies have periods” but I wish there was a little more. It seemed like a wasted opportunity to me, to be honest.

However, if you’re looking for a quick, entertaining book, I’d definitely recommend picking this up.

I ended up givingĀ Lady Stuff: Secrets to Being a Woman by Loryn Brantz 4 stars.

Expected publishing date is September 26, 2017.

I received an ARC for free in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing. All opinions are my own .

Lady Stuff